Update der Bridge auf Version 1931069120
Hallo zusammen.
Meine Bridge hat sich gerade auf Version 1931069120 aktualisiert.
Gibt es schon Infos zu den Änderungen?
THC beantwortete Frage 5. April 2019
1 Antwort
meine Bridge hat auch das Update bekommen.
Infos zu den Änderungen habe ich kein, aber, bei mir funktionierte keine der 5 Sonnenuntergangs-Routinen nach dem gestrigen Update.
Alle 9 Lampen blieben aus.
Heute mal die Bridge stromlos gemacht und die Fritte neu gestartet.
Mal schauen ob die Lampen heute mit Sonnenuntergang angehen.
Uwe hat einen neuen Kommentar geschrieben 10. April 2019
Habe jetzt eine Antwort :
April 2, 2019
Firmware 1931069120 (Bridge V2):
Fixed a problem with Daylight Saving Time (DST) in Ireland that caused light-schedules to trigger at incorrect times. Big apologies to all the people in Ireland suffering from this problem.
Fixed a problem that sometimes the communication with the lights was not fully reliable.
Fixed a problem that sometimes a software update for a Hue device was displayed in “transferring”-mode forever in the Hue mobile app.
Fixed a problem that in some cases the Power-On behavior was not correctly picked-up by the light or did change “spontaneously” over time after configuration in the Hue mobile app.
For better security we slightly changed the way apps connect to your Hue Bridge.
We fixed an issue that for a limited number of people the Hue Bridge caused a crash of the mobile App when trying to set the home location or to create sunrise- or sunset routines.
Besides these, we have fixed a lot of other small things that will make the Hue Bridge more reliable.
If you don’t want to miss any improvements on quality, security or performance and you want your Hue System full compatible with the upcoming new Hue products, please be sure that you enable automatic updates for your Hue System in the Hue app: (Settings -> Software update -> Automatic Update)
Hoffe das hilft allen interessierten Lesern.